Being the Kind of Leader Your Brand Needs

Kevin Gardner
3 min readJun 27, 2017


Being the Kind of Leader Your Brand Needs

Your brand is anything you want it to be, and it might be anything you want to brand. Whether you are a business owner, an entrepreneur, a blogger, or anything in between, your brand is your business. Understanding what your brand is, what it has to offer, and what it provides is imperative. You must understand you are part of your brand, and that means branding yourself. You must be the kind of leader your brand needs to thrive, and that means understanding what makes a successful leader.

Be Open

The best leaders are the ones who are open and honest. Your brand requires your transparency. When you’re dishonest, people see right through you. It’s a good idea to just tell it like it is, admit when you’re wrong, and learn to take responsibility for things both good and bad. Your reputation and brand suffer far less when you make a mistake you’re willing to admit to and apologize for than it does when you try to place the blame elsewhere. Transparency is what your brand requires to grow and thrive.

Be a Team Player

Any executive assessment test will tell you being a team player is the best thing you can do. You are a leader, and you are the boss. The best boss is the one who doesn’t treat others as though he or she is in control and everyone else simply answers to them. The best boss is a leader who works with his or her employees as a team. Team players help brands grow. Would you rather your company be one with employees who don’t necessarily like working for you, or would you rather it be one where people love working with you? The happier they are, the better your reputation. It’s that simple.


If you want to become the kind of leader your brand needs, you must learn to listen. It’s very simple, and it means really hearing people. Start by being intentional when others are speaking to you. When it’s your turn to respond to them, repeat what they said in a short summary, answer their question or respond to their statement, and make a mental note of the conversation. It’s also imperative you remember listening isn’t always done with your ears. A good leader listens to body language, to moods, and to what’s going on around him or her. It’s up to you to take this, listen to what you see and hear, and apply what you learn to your brand.


If you cannot communicate well, you’ll never be a good leader. A good leader speaks up when he or she is unhappy. You will speak up when you are happy. You will state what’s on your mind rather than allowing your upset to become worse. You’ll keep your employees and customers in the know, and you’ll keep the lines of communication open. A good leader is one people feel they can speak to without fear or worry.

Offer Flexibility

Leadership is a role you cannot take lightly. One way to do that is to offer flexibility. Never forget to put yourself in the shoes of those around you, and be sure to offer flexibility when situations call for it. If you can do this, you learn to create a balance that everyone in your brand deserves. Life is rarely smooth sailing, but learning to be flexible with things that go wrong, things that go better than expected, and circumstances you didn’t see coming makes being a leader that much simpler.

Being a good leader doesn’t mean being everyone’s best friend. It means being someone who listens to them, stands up for them, and it’s a person who helps others grow. If you want to be the kind of leader your brand needs, take a look at the people who were leaders in your own life and pick their best attributes. Apply those to your brand, and watch as it becomes your personal dream come true.



Kevin Gardner
Kevin Gardner

Written by Kevin Gardner

Kevin Gardner graduated with a BS in Computer Science and an MBA from UCLA. He works as a business consultant for InnovateBTS

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