Being Fashionable Can Actually Make You Healthy
Some people pursue unhealthy methods for looking beautiful and fashionable — botox injections, cosmetic surgeries, questionable diet pills. But true beauty can be attained by making healthier choices. What’s good for your body can actually make you look fashionable. Don’t believe us? Consider some of these connections between beauty and health:
Clean and Strong Nails
Nothing looks worse than short, jagged nails. Well, maybe nails that also have a fungus growing on them. Put on some toenail fungus treatment, keep your nails trimmed and filed, and put lotion on your cuticles. You’ll see a dramatic improvement in the way your nails look. You can paint them for added flair, or you can keep them looking fashionable with a clear gloss. A little nail art or some rhinestones will add flourish if you like.
Smooth, Vibrant Skin
You can use the best serums, lotions, and face masks on the market, but if you aren’t drinking enough water, your skin will never look as smooth and vibrant as it could. Dehydration can cause your skin to age prematurely, including developing more fine lines, sagging, and an uneven complexion. You may not feel dehydrated, but failing to drink at least eight cups of water per day will make you that way and will show up in your skin.
Not only will drinking plenty of water make your skin look better — and make you look more fashionable by being able to wear the latest makeup trends — but it will also improve your overall health and benefit your whole body.
Freedom From Chemicals
The most fashionable clothing and accessories right now are good for the environment and for your body. More people are becoming aware of the havoc that chemicals can play on your body and on the Earth, and designers are responding by choosing fabrics and other materials that are free of chemicals for their fashions and their accessories. You’ll look right on trend by choosing these eco-conscious styles. While you’re at it, you’ll be protecting your body from chemicals that can disrupt your hormones, irritate your skin, and cause other problems in your body. In addition to living a chemical-free and healthy life, you can try thrive products. The thrive experience helps you stay in shape with little effort and have amazing reviews.
Full, Shiny Hair
Just like with your skin, there’s only so much that beauty products can do for your hair if you aren’t taking care of it properly. Drinking plenty of water can help your hair stay healthy, but you’ll have to do more than that. To start, you’ll need to get regular haircuts so that you can keep your hair free of split ends that will make it look ratty. You should also keep it shampooed and conditioned regularly to keep it free of oil and product buildup and to ensure that it is soft and manageable. The right upkeep will make your hair strong, shiny, and full so that you can style it in the ways you want and wear the type of haircut you want.
Beautiful White Teeth
There’s nothing more stylish than a beautiful, white smile. And you can’t get it without brushing and flossing every day. You can get whitening treatments, but they will only lift so many layers of staining. To keep your teeth really white and dazzling, you need to put in the effort every day. In the meantime, you will also be keeping your mouth and your body healthier by getting rid of harmful bacteria that can cause gingivitis and increase your risk of heart attack.
The Main Takeaway
Staying fashionable can also keep you healthy, and vice versa. Good health makes you glow from the inside, and that will make you look great. The clothes and accessories you wear will just accent the natural beauty you already have. You’ll also look younger longer, and you’ll have the energy you want to do all the fun and trendy things that you enjoy. Those are things that will never go out of style.